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TPM 最佳实践——2015年1月19日至20日上海,中国

  TPM 是一种以设备为基础、利用各种管理工具与改善手法展开的一系列改善活动,是管理与技术的有效结合,跨部门合作提升生产运作效率;其目的是帮助企业挖掘潜力、消除浪费、降低成本,从而夯实企业基础管理,改善运营体质,提升竞争力。


  1、参加全部内容研讨会,基本目标是学员成为“企业内部的TPM 督导师”:

  系统学习 TPM 的主要内容和推广的实务方法,掌握 TPM 活动的思想精髓;

  详细掌握如何成功导入 TPM 的具体方法,如具体步骤、方法和关键点和可能的问题点, 有能力以提高 OEE 为目标,制订TPM 的计划,策划 TPM 的程序和项目计划书,并能组织 TPM 项目,以促进 TPM 活动顺利开展。









  3.开发部、质量部、设备采购等相关主管与工程师,对 TPM活动及提升企业整体生产运营效率感兴趣者参加。

  研讨会大纲(12 小时/2 天):

  第一部分、TPM 概论 (约 2 小时)

  (1) 为什么企业需要 TPM 活动?

  (2) TPM 是什么?

  (3) 企业内部成功实践 TPM 活动的技巧与必要准备

  (4)TPM 的数据基础--OEE 分析与其他衡量指标

  (5)实践 TPM 的误区分析

  第二部分、TPM 自主保全活动实务操作方法(4 小时)

  (1) 生产自主保全的基本观念体系

  (2) 实现设备自主保全的方法实践

  第三部分、TPM 计划保全活动实务操作方法(3.5 小时)

  (1) 专业保全的基本观念体系

  (2) 追求设备零故障的方法实践




  第四部分、TPM 个别改善活动与实务要点 (1.5 小时)



  * 以学员为中心,注重学员的参与;

  * 实务案例分析与精心设计的游戏相结合,倡导启发式学习;

  * 研讨会中听得懂、研讨会后记得住,这样才能学得会 ---- 擅长把枯燥复杂演绎得生动简单。


  如果公司有很多人有类似的培训需要,那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案。培训将在贵公司现场举行。并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行。请联系Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:

  电话:+86 28 8532 7678



  Vickey Wang

  Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

  T: +86 28 8532 7678

  Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com


  TPM Best Practices

  19th-20th January 2015

  Shanghai, China

  MARTIN LINKING is convening the TPM Best Practices on 19th&20th January 2015 in Shanghai.

  TPM is an equipment-based, using various management tools and improvement skills to launch a series of improvement activities, is an effective combination of management and technology, through inter-departmental cooperation to promote operational efficiency. Its purpose is to help enterprises to tap potential, eliminate the waste and reduce costs and then strengthen enterprise’s foundation management, improve operation and enhance competitiveness.

  What the Seminar Will Help You Achieve:

  1. Participate in all the seminar, the goal is to train the delegates to become "enterprise’s internal TPM coacher":

  Systematically learn main content and practical promotion method of TPM, master essence of TPM activities;

  Master specific methods to successfully introduce TPM, such as specific steps, methods, key points and possible problems, have the ability to improve OEE as target, develop TPM plan, plan TPM program and project proposal, can organize TPM project to promote TPM activities smoothly.

  2. Selectively learn further part content according to the enterprise actual needs:

  To establish enterprise’s data collection and analysis, strengthen the foundation management as the main purpose;

  Aims at Autonomous Maintenance, master purpose, methods and practical skills of Autonomous Maintenance activities, and how to deal with the existing problems;

  Aims at Professional Maintenance, understanding the whole maintenance system, establishing the equipment management indicator, master zero fault method, and how to deal with the existing problems;

  Other special needs of enterprise.

  Who should attend?

  1. Plant manager of manufacturing enterprises, production deputy director, production / manufacturing manager, equipment department manager, main member of TPM activities group;

  2. Supervisors of manufacturing department, equipment maintenance and repairing engineer, supervisor and engineer of production department, main member of on-site improvement activities group;

  3. Related supervisor and engineer of development department, quality department, and equipment procurement department, person who interested in TPM activities and enterprise's whole production operation efficiency promotion.

  Seminar Outline (12hours/2 days):

  Session 1 TPM introduction (about 2 hours)

  (1) Why enterprises need TPM activities?

  (2) What is TPM?

  (3) Skills and necessary preparations to successful

  (4) Data foundation of TPM - OEE analysis and other indicators

  (5) Error analysis to practice TPM

  Session 2 Practical operation method of Autonomous Maintenance TPM activities

  (4 hours)

  (1) Basic concept system of production Autonomous Maintenance

  (2) Practical methods to realize Autonomous Maintenance

  Session 3 TPM Planned Maintenance activities in practice (3.5 hours)

  (1) Basic concept system of Professional Maintenance

  (2) Practical method to pursue equipment zero fault

  (3) Help and support of Autonomous Maintenance from professional departments

  (4) Daily equipment maintenance history data and maintenance cost management

  (5) Analysis and management of equipment spare parts

  Session 4 TPM individual improvement activities and practice points (1.5 hours)

  Session 5 Introduction of other TPM activities (1 hour)

  Practical questions discussion and answer (Q&A)

  Seminar Features:

  * Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of students;

  * Combine practical case studies and well-designed games, advocate discovery learning;

  * Good at interpretation of the complex and boring content simple and vivid.

  In-House Training Solutions:

  If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.

  For more information please contact:

  Vickey Wang

  Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

  T: +86 28 8532 7678

  Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com



